Wood Pavilions Traditional and Timeless Outdoor Structures

Gallery of Wooden Pavilions

Sit in your backyard or backwoods on a cool summer evening and enjoy the beauty surrounding you. Release the stresses of life to the wind and enjoy nature in your own backyard. A wooden pavilion is a great place to hang out with friends, barbecue chicken, and refresh yourself. Wood pavilions are also a great option as a poolside structure for a residential property. Enjoy the ability to choose a size, style, and design that will fit your backyard the best.

For more ideas, check out how our past customers are using their wood pavilions.

360 View of a Lancaster County Backyard Wood Pavilion

(click and drag to navigate, zoom, or go full screen)

What Are Some Common Questions About Wood Pavilions?

Check out the Pavilion Info & Options, where we go over ordering, installing, and some of the common questions we get pertaining to pavilions.