20x28 Denali Timber Frame Pavilion in Pottstown PA

Imagine you’re sitting outside on a beautiful day with your closest friends. You prepare the perfect lunch on the grill and then jump into the pool for a swim. After you tire yourself out in the pool, you settle into the couch to watch a show, but uh oh! It starts to rain! Luckily for you, your brand new 20×28 Denali Timber Frame Pavilion has you covered! You and your friends jump into the hot tub, completely safe from the rain. What a perfect day! 

This is the reality for this family in Pottstown, PA, and it could be yours too! Our Denali Timber Frame Pavilions feature a hammerbeam roof system, eave and gable overhangs, and your choice of stain colors, wood ceiling, and roof material! The 20×28 Denali Timber Frame Pavilion in Pottstown PA features a timber frame and a black roof. How will you customize yours? Explore all your options here

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