Timber Frame Construction

It is no accident that timber frame construction has grabbed your tasteful attention. Timber framing offers you an irresistible and exceptional structure. In an age where construction has become more simplistic and cookie cutter, timber frame construction by Lancaster County Backyard stands just as distinctly majestic, strong, and proud as it has for past centuries. Timber frame construction is a centuries-old building method that uses heavy timbers pieced together with intricate mortise-n-tenon joinery. Timber frame construction provides a solid and durable structure with endless possibilities. Create a Timber Frame of your dreams and transform your backyard space.

We are thrilled to bring this age-old and artistic construction to your property with the following variations of timber frame construction. These variations are meant to whet your appetite with the potential possibilities for your future timber frame structure or addition.

Custom Poolhouse in Telford PA

Custom Poolhouse in Telford PA

timber frame construction porch

Timber Framing Construction Porch Pavilion

timber frame construction garage

Timber Frame Porch on Barn

A storefront with timber frame construction in New Jersey

Mountain Valley Fine Wine & Liquors Storefront

interior beam frame in custom timber framing house project

Living Room Timber Frame

timber framing beam in interior custom kitchen ceiling

Timber Frame Ceiling Beams in Custom Kitchen

What Are the Common Questions We Get?

Check out the Pavilion Info & Options, where we go over ordering, installing, and some of the common questions we get pertaining to pavilions.