Timber Frame Pavilions Buy a stately, self-expressive structure. From the heart of Lancaster County.

The Natural Beauty of a Timber Frame Pavilion

What’s so special about timber framing? Popular construction methods tend to separate the strength and style of a building. It’s very common to build a structure and then cover it up with facade materials in order to make it “look good.” In timber framing, on the other hand, there isn’t a single piece covered or hidden in order to promote a certain look.

The natural elegance and strength exuded by the heavy exposed posts and beams in timber framing serves to illustrate the best of man’s creative use of nature. Rather than following the trends and fads in popular cheap building assembly, authentic timber frame construction harkens to a time when men built to bring glory to God through mirroring the excellence and beauty of creation in their work.

If you want to find out more about this truly timeless style of construction, contact us to find out more about our timber frame options.

Timber Frame Pavilion Gallery

360 View of a Large Pavilion

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What Are the Common Questions We Get?

Check out the Timber Frame Pavilion Info & Options page, where we go over ordering, installing, and some of the common questions we get about Timber Framing.